Thursday, March 13, 2008

Wednesday Work Out and Week 1 Weight Loss

Work Out:

1 Mile run 12:20
Bhangra Dance Class - learned the first minute of our first song - I love that class
90 lb Smith Machine Squats 15 x 3
25 lb Skull Crushers on Ball 15 x 3
15 lb Fly on Ball 5 x 3
41 lb Lat Pull Down 15 x 3
3 lb Reverse Fly 15 x 3
20 Leg Lifted Lower Ab Sit Up x 3
Half Plank - 30, 30 35 sec

My R tricep REALLY hurt on those Skull Crushers and Flys, but I managed to finish. I think I will be giving myself an extra day of rest this week and do my lifting on Saturday instead of Friday. That and my foot also hurt - I know that I haven't been doing enough stretching and I think I am paying for it. I did my magical wall hamstring stretch yesterday though and that seems to make things better. I will just have to wait and see. That and more swimming and biking. I haven't done any miles on my bike for (it feels like) forever and I think I will have a date with the chamois this weekend for about 15-20 miles - got to try out those new pedals you know.

On a happy note, I have had my scale for a week now and I was, at last weighing (I check all the stats every day after work before working out) I was down about 4 lbs. 4 lbs in a week is CRAZY as far as I am concerned. This means I have 14 more lbs to my goal weight at the end of May. I know this crazy rate won't stick around, but on average I have to loose 1.4 lbs a week for the next 10 weeks. I think that is doable don't you?

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